Talia Hoffman

Research Assistant

BSc(Env) (University of Guelph), Masters of Land and Water Systems (Cand.) (University of British Columbia)

Talia is passionate about resolving food security issues and learning about new solutions to tackle the challenges of ensuring equitable access to healthy food, especially in vulnerable communities. She led volunteer operations at MealCare Guelph, a non-profit organization in Guelph Ontario which redistributed excess food from university campus operations to local charities and food insecure communities. This interest extended to education and community outreach where she has led workshops in sustainability practices, conducted stakeholder interviews and visited farm-sites to engage with local producers. Talia has worked in the renewable energy sector, gaining familiarity with land use changes across Canada while developing her research skills to produce in-depth reports and analyses on soil health and fertility using various agricultural techniques. In addition, Talia has carried out several research projects and literature reviews, focusing on the impacts of rising temperatures and human activities on both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

She is currently a Master’s candidate in Land and Water Systems at the University of British Columbia. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences from the University of Guelph. Talia is excited to be a part of the Upland team and contribute to more food security planning efforts across British Columbia.