Environmental Best Practices and Climate Change Adaptation Planning 

Investigating Innovative Best Practices and Providing Adaptation and Mitigation Solutions for the Agricultural Sector

We are experts in interpretation and analysis of policies and regulations pertaining to environmental best practices, such as the Agricultural Land Commission Act and the Agricultural Environmental Management Code of Practice. We work with farmers and governments to create and revise policy and update best practices to ensure that the most innovative and trusted agroecological systems are implemented. Our staff are well-versed in organic production systems for field-based and greenhouse-grown crops.

The environment and climate change go hand-in-hand. Variability in frost-free days, rainfall intensity, drought, windstorms, and wildfires can all impact the agricultural community. We translate climate change modelling and adaptation research into concrete, on-the-ground actions that can help minimize impacts to crops, livestock, and farm infrastructure. We also see the opportunity that climate change may afford agriculture, by opening up opportunities for new crop varieties, and improving the agricultural capability of some areas.