Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine Agriculture Sector Support Plan
The RDKS Agriculture Sector Support Plan evaluates the current regional agriculture sector and provides specific recommended actions that the RDKS Economic Development Commission can implement to support the food system. The Plan was developed by combining existing data and studies with stakeholder engagement in order to understand existing gaps in the sector. The engagement results and several research methods, including a situational analysis, a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats assessment and a gap analysis, were used to inform the Plan’s recommendations. The Plan recommends actions to ensure that agricultural land is used productively and farming, foraging, and other forms of food production are valued and sustained. The Plan will assist the Economic Development Commission in understanding how it can best allocate resources to support the agricultural sector and lead to business success.
An important component of the planning process was the creation of the RDKS Agricultural Asset Map. The map is a list of up-to-date information on primary producers, direct marketing channels, community gardens, and non-governmental organizations. The map will be useful in connecting consumers with producers and highlighting local food retailers, community organizations, and their projects within the region.
Link to the Plan
Link to the Asset Map