BC Environmental Farm Plan Reference Guide Update


Upland Agricultural Consulting worked with the BC Ministry of Agriculture on updating the reference materials that are used for the Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) Program. The update included investigating and adding relevant content regarding Best Management Practices (BMPs), integrating new and/or updated regulations, and aligning content with the National Environmental Farm Plan objectives. The activities performed included reviewing the current suite of EFP documents and identifying gaps in BMPs, completing a jurisdictional scan of BMPs from other provinces and the USA, identifying new BMPs to include in the reference material, and ensuring that all policies and regulations were accurate and up-to-date. This was done in part by compiling relevant material developed by provincial and federal partners through a literature review and interviewing subject matter experts.

The publications that were updated include the EFP Reference Manual, the EFP Planning Workbook, EFP Biodiversity Guide, and EFP Riparian Field Workbook.

Link: BC Ministry of Agriculture's Environmental Farm Plan program and associated publications.