Comox Valley Agricultural Plan - Interim Report


Upland Agricultural Consulting partnered with Urban Food Strategies to develop an Interim Report that would serve to inform a final Agricultural Plan for the Comox Valley Regional District. The objective of developing the Report was to create an up-to-date profile of the Comox Valley agricultural sector which describes the land base, agricultural activities, and economic indicators. Additionally, the Report set out to identify key issues, opportunities, and themes for the sector through engagement with agriculture and food stakeholders and the general public.

The Report process included a comprehensive review of dozens of plans, datasets, reports, websites, and other resources which were relevant to the agriculture sector in the Comox Valley. Engagement took place through one-on-one interviews, focus group meetings, themed-workshops, and the formation of a Project Advisory Committee. The project culminated in the creation of the Interim Report as well as preliminary recommendations for the direction of the final Agricultural Plan in Phase 2.