Boundary Area Food and Agriculture Plan - Regional District of Kootenay Boundary
(2016-2018)Upland Agricultural Consulting collaborated with Janine de la Salle (Urban Food Strategies) and Abra Brynne (Peeling the Onion Consulting) and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary to update the 2011 Agriculture Plan. The resulting 2018 Boundary Area Food and Agriculture Plan expands the original scope to include food systems and food security. A key aspect of creating the plan was engaging stakeholders and the public in crafting a vision, describing challenges, and identifying potential opportunities for the regional food and agriculture system. Multiple engagement methods were used, including online and mail-in surveys; farm visits; public open houses; and stakeholder meetings. The plan sets out agriculture and food system goals, objectives, and the associated recommended actions with in the Boundary area. In total, 107 actions are included, along with a detailed implementation strategy. This plan also contains a proposed Boundary Area Food and Agriculture Charter and Report Card to help establish common ground for plan implementation and monitor progress towards goals.
RDKB project website with links to maps and engagement reports
Boundary Area Food and Agriculture Plan (2018)