Tri-Cities Region Food Security Action Plan

Tri-Cities Region Food Security Action Plan


In 2021 Upland Agricultural Consulting was contracted by the Tri-Cities Region (City of Coquitlam, City of Port Coquitlam, City of Port Moody, Village of Anmore, and Village of Belcarra) to embark upon their first Food Security Action Plan. The Plan provides recommendations and guidance for community food security and household food insecurity in the region by providing clear direction for local governments to ensure that food security policies and initiatives are innovative, collaborative, and aligned.

The Plan was completed over 3 phases:

  • Development of community profiles and policy analysis
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Finalization of the food security action plan

The final plan includes 5 goals with specific recommended actions which are within the jurisdictional control of the Tri-Cities, and are informed by the voices of Tri-Cities community members and sector experts. In addition to the Food Security Action Plan, the project deliverables included a publicly available Food Asset Map and a Food Charter tailored to the specific context of the region.

For more information visit the City of Port Moody Food Security website.

City of Burnaby Food Systems Strategy

City of Burnaby Food Systems Strategy and Food Charter


In 2022, Upland Agricultural Consulting worked in collaboration with project lead, Urban Food Strategies, to develop the Burnaby Food System Strategy (BFSS) and Food Charter. The strategy sought to outline the ways in which the City of Burnaby can lead and support action towards sustainable food systems and food security for all people in Burnaby. The process to create the BFSS involved working closely with a Project Advisory Committee as well as interviews, surveys, and workshops with key people and organizations. The Food Charter was developed through close collaboration with the Project Advisory Committee to identify a vision and shared food values. All community organizations, private businesses, educational institutions, or government can sign the Burnaby Community Food Charter. Those who sign this charter commit to creating sustainable food systems and food security in Burnaby.

The Burnaby Food System Strategy is a strategic plan to improve the quality, fairness, and sustainability of Burnaby’s food systems. This focuses on two main goals:

  • Food security
    Working towards a City where everyone has both access to food and choice in what they eat. The food options Burnaby residents have should be safe, culturally acceptable, and nutritious.
  • Food sustainability
    Helping to make sure the processes of growing food and getting it to our tables respects both our environment, and all the people who work to grow, harvest, transport, and prepare our food.

In addition to the BFSS and the Food Charter, a Food Asset Map underwent significant updates during this project. The Food Asset Map is a public facing customized google map which contains the locations of and pertinent information for food organizations, programs, shops, community gardens and food banks and free or low cost groceries and meals.

Southern Stl’atl’imx Agricultural Opportunities Assessment

Southern Stl'atl'imx Agricultural Opportunities Assessment


Upland Agricultural Consulting worked closely with the Southern Stl’atl’imx Health Society and members of the Southern Stl'atl'imx communities (N’Quatqua, Samahquam, Skatin and Xa’xtsa (Douglas)) to identify opportunities to reinforce and grow the food system. The Assessment considers current food and agricultural initiatives within the four Southern Stl'atl'imx communities and provides recommendations towards supporting and enhancing food production options that are viable within the intersection of community health, wellness, business opportunities, and sustainable practices. The assessment involved exploring land availability for supporting agricultural activities, describing current food system projects within the communities, engaging with community members on desirable projects, and making recommendations to build upon current initiatives and future opportunities. The development and implementation of the Southern Stl'atl'imx Agricultural Opportunities Assessment is an important step for the Southern Stl'atl'imx communities, the Southern Stl’atl’imx Health Society, local schools and Chiefs and Councils to work together towards food sovereignty and greater food security.

Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine Agriculture Sector Support Plan

Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine Agriculture Sector Support Plan


The RDKS Agriculture Sector Support Plan evaluates the current regional agriculture sector and provides specific recommended actions that the RDKS Economic Development Commission can implement to support the food system. The Plan was developed by combining existing data and studies with stakeholder engagement in order to understand existing gaps in the sector. The engagement results and several research methods, including a situational analysis, a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats assessment and a gap analysis, were used to inform the Plan’s recommendations. The Plan recommends actions to ensure that agricultural land is used productively and farming, foraging, and other forms of food production are valued and sustained. The Plan will assist the Economic Development Commission in understanding how it can best allocate resources to support the agricultural sector and lead to business success.

An important component of the planning process was the creation of the RDKS Agricultural Asset Map. The map is a list of up-to-date information on primary producers, direct marketing channels, community gardens, and non-governmental organizations. The map will be useful in connecting consumers with producers and highlighting local food retailers, community organizations, and their projects within the region.

Link to the Plan

Link to the Asset Map

District of Lake Country Agriculture Plan

District of Lake Country Agriculture Plan


The District of Lake Country 2020 Agriculture Plan provides a coordinated approach to support agriculture and food systems in the District over the next 10 years. In 2019, the District of Lake Country retained Upland Agricultural Consulting to lead the process of updating the 2008 Agriculture Plan.

Upland worked closely with Urban Food Strategies and AG Consulting to develop the recommendations and implementation strategy for the 2020 Agriculture Plan. The objectives of the plan included identifying opportunities and actions to support and strengthen agriculture and to contribute to the diversification and long‐term economic sustainability of the community. To achieve these objectives, Upland and team completed robust stakeholder engagement with the farming community, conducted extensive research to create a background report outlining the current agricultural sector and identified several market opportunities for growing the agricultural sector. The Agriculture Plan anticipates future changes and challenges for the agriculture sector in the District, with the goal to provide guidance to the local government to support planning efforts.

Link to the Plan:

Columbia Basin Trust Agriculture Innovation Project

Columbia Basin Agriculture Innovation Project


The Columbia Basin Trust (the Trust) retained Upland to undertake a feasibility study for this project. The project explored the potential for the creation of an agriculture innovation centre/food hub (agriculture innovation network) model to support economies of scale related to food processing, storage, transportation, and marketing/branding for producers in the Basin. The project included background research and stakeholder engagement to identify and assess model options including the physical components, operational aspects, and the programming/service delivery components, and to develop a business plan based on the needs identified in the feasibility study. The project identified potential partnership opportunities, implementation and operational costs, and financing options for a model in the Basin. The feasibility study and business plan will serve as a tool to guide decision making toward investing in food innovation in the Basin.

This project was completed with assistance from Farm Food Drink.



Kitsumkalum First Nation Agri-Food Opportunities and Business Plan

Kitsumkalum First Nation Agricultural Opportunities and Business Plan


The Kitsumkalum Nation retained Upland to complete an Agri-food Opportunities and Feasibility Assessment to identify opportunities to increase food production in the Kitsumkalum community and determine economic opportunities for agriculture. Several reports were completed throughout the project process, including a background scan of the local and regional food system and an assessment of the biophysical and agricultural capacity of the land. The findings of this project rank the suitable agricultural uses for several sites, taking into consideration site characteristics and accessibility, capital investments for site improvements, market conditions and the goals of the Kitsumkalum community. Three agri-food opportunities are identified and recommended for the Kitsumkalum to pursue and implementation strategies are outlined: one that enhances food security, one that utilizes land for primary crop production, and one that creates value-added products from traditional plants.

Lil’wat Nation Agricultural Opportunities Implementation and Business Plan

Lil'wat Nation Agricultural Opportunities Implementation and Business Plan


This Agricultural Implementation and Business Plan provides an assessment of opportunities and a business plan for Lil’wat Nation to increase the amount of, and access to, locally grown and produced food. The resulting farm operation will develop agriculture as an economic driver, while also conferring social and health benefits for the community. The Plan was completed in multiple phases of research, which included a background situational analysis of the local food system, an assessment of agricultural opportunities and crop feasibility, business plans for several crop types, and a final overall implementation strategy.

For more information visit the Lil'wat Nation website.

Salt Spring Island Area Farm Plan Renewal

Salt Spring Island Area Farm Plan Renewal


Upland was retained by the Salt Spring Island Agricultural Alliance to renew the 2008 Salt Spring Island Area Farm Plan. The overall objective is to further advance agricultural activities on SSI through to 2030, when environmental conditions related to climate change, along with population growth and economic challenges, will have altered the island in both predictable and unpredictable ways. The Salt Spring Island Area Farm Plan Renewal process included hosting two town hall events and working closely with the project’s Steering Committee. The Plan’s recommendations focus on ensuring long-term viability of farming and food production on Salt Spring Island, responding to the climate emergency through regenerative agricultural practices, and engaging the public and all levels of government on increasing local food production and protecting land for farming.

Visit Salt Spring Island's Plan to Farm website for more information.

Squamish Valley Agricultural Plan

Squamish Valley Agricultural Plan


The Squamish Valley Agricultural Plan considers agriculture within the current growth and policy context of the region and attempts to identify and anticipate future changes and challenges to the sector. The Plan includes:

  • Background Report on agricultural capability of the Squamish Valley;
  • Market Opportunities Analysis regarding the the agricultural sector;
  • Engagement Summary Report; and
  • Final Agricultural Plan, which includes an implementation strategy and monitoring & evaluation indicators.

Upland Agricultural Consulting worked closely with the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District, the District of Squamish, the Squamish Food Policy Council, and the Whistler Centre for Sustainability, to craft an implementation strategy with a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework.

Link to SLRD Squamish Valley Agricultural Plan project page