Pitt Meadows Agricultural Viability Strategy

Pitt Meadows Agricultural Viability Strategy


The City of Pitt Meadows launched a project to update and modernize the Agricultural Plan, which was initially created in 2000. The updated document, titled Grown in Pitt Meadows: Our Agricultural Viability Strategy seeks to provide direction in developing a sustainable, viable, and resilient local agri-food sector. The Strategy aims to address the many changes that have influenced agriculture in Pitt Meadows over the last 20+ years and focus on solutions that are within the jurisdiction of local government.

A copy of the Strategy can be downloaded from the City of Pitt Meadows website.


City of Delta Agricultural Plan

City of Delta Agricultural Plan


Upland Agricultural Consulting partnered with Urban Food Strategies to develop a new Agricultural Plan for the City of Delta, to update the 2011 Agricultural Plan. The new Agricultural Plan reflects the many changes, from economic to environmental to regulatory, which have influenced the local agriculture sector since 2011.

The two key objectives of the new Agricultural Plan are to:

  1. Identify current issues facing Delta’s agriculture industry and actions the City could take to respond to these issues; and,
  2. Recommend changes to Delta’s current Official Community Plan policies and zoning bylaw as needed to support and protect the long-term viability of local agriculture.

For Phase 1 of this project, we conducted background research and preliminary engagement with the Agriculture Advisory Committee to better understand Delta’s current agricultural sector.

Phase 2 saw the development of draft recommendations to address the needs identified in Phase 1. Through the input of the Agricultural Advisory Committee, stakeholders, and the broader community, those strategies were further refined and incorporated into a draft Agricultural Plan.

In Phase 3, the draft Agricultural Plan was finalized and endorsed by the Agricultural and Hunting Regulation Advisory Committee. Following that endorsement, Delta City Council approved the City's new Agricultural Plan on July 24, 2023.


Comox Valley Agricultural Plan Interim Report

Comox Valley Agricultural Plan - Interim Report


Upland Agricultural Consulting partnered with Urban Food Strategies to develop an Interim Report that would serve to inform a final Agricultural Plan for the Comox Valley Regional District. The objective of developing the Report was to create an up-to-date profile of the Comox Valley agricultural sector which describes the land base, agricultural activities, and economic indicators. Additionally, the Report set out to identify key issues, opportunities, and themes for the sector through engagement with agriculture and food stakeholders and the general public.

The Report process included a comprehensive review of dozens of plans, datasets, reports, websites, and other resources which were relevant to the agriculture sector in the Comox Valley. Engagement took place through one-on-one interviews, focus group meetings, themed-workshops, and the formation of a Project Advisory Committee. The project culminated in the creation of the Interim Report as well as preliminary recommendations for the direction of the final Agricultural Plan in Phase 2.


Multi Year Development Plan for Yukon Agriculture

Multi-Year Development Plan for Yukon Agriculture


The Government of Yukon (Agriculture Branch) contracted Upland Agricultural Consulting to update the Multi-Year Development Plan (MYDP) for Yukon Agriculture. The MYDP captures the present (2022) state of Yukon’s agriculture and agri-food industry, and provides a well-researched, realistic vision and road-map for future sector development over the next 5 years. The MYDP will serve as a guiding document to inform both private and public investment in Yukon’s agriculture and agri-food industry. The MYDP is intended to be relevant and useful for First Nations, territorial, federal and municipal governments, investors, the agriculture and agri-food industry, including producers, processors and retailers, and NGOs that intersect with the agriculture and food sector.

To develop the MYDP, engagement during the process was vital in ensuring that key themes and recommendations represent the needs of the agri-food industry now and into the future. Engagement activities included attending conferences; facilitating focus group sessions with producers and government staff;  conducting over 50 interviews with First Nations, farmers, ranchers, industry associations, food retailers, food processors, and government representatives; conducting over 25 in-person site visits to First Nations communities and farms in the vicinity of Whitehorse, Lake Laberge, Carcross Tagish, Marsh Lake, Dawson City and Mayo.

Key deliverables included an Engagement Plan and Summary Report, a Market Capacity for Yukon Foods and Agricultural Products Memo, and the MYDP Interim Report.

Denman Island Farm Regulation Review

Denman Island Farm Regulation Review


Upland Agricultural Consulting was contracted by Islands Trust to undertake engagement of the Denman Island community and draft amendments to the Denman Island Official Community Plan and Land Use Bylaw. The objective of the amendments were to better align current policies and regulations with community needs and priorities, while also bringing the documents up to date with provincial legislative changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve.

The amended OCP and Land Use Bylaw was adopted unanimously in 2022. More information about the project is available on the Islands Trust website.

Regional District of Central Okanagan Agricultural Strategy Background Report

Regional District of Central Okanagan Agricultural Strategy Background Report


Upland Agricultural Consulting partnered with Urban Food Strategies to develop a Background Report for the RDCO's Agricultural Strategy. The Report serves as the first phase of a Regional Agricultural Strategy. The objective of developing the Report was to create an up-to-date profile of the Central Okanagan agricultural sector which describes the land base, agricultural activities, and economic indicators. Additionally, the Report set out to identify key issues, opportunities, and themes for the sector through engagement with First Nations communities, member municipalities, agriculture and food stakeholders, and the general public.

The Report process included a comprehensive review of dozens of plans, datasets, reports, websites, and other resources which were relevant to the agriculture sector in the Central Okanagan; Engagement with first nations communities and industry stakeholders through one-on-one interviews, meetings, a public survey, an open house and the formation of a steering committee. The project culminated in the creation of the Report as well as preliminary recommendations for the direction of the final strategy in Phase 2.

The Report is available on the RDCO YourSay website.


South Kootenay Agricultural Strategy

South Kootenay Agricultural Strategy


Upland Agricultural Consulting was contracted by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary to develop an agricultural strategy for the South Kootenay region. The objective of the South Kootenay Agricultural Strategy (SKAS) was to develop a framework for decision-making over the next 10 to 20 years, in helping communities shift towards self-reliance for food production and collaboration for agri-sector business growth. The SKAS provides a vision and roadmap of actions to maximize the agriculture and food sector potential of the South Kootenay Region.

The creation of the SKAS included comprehensive review of background information including local policies and strategies, agricultural trends and market capacity; Engagement with industry stakeholders through one-on-one interviews, a virtual public open house and the creation of a steering committee; development of the final strategy including vision, goals, objectives and actions, and implementation plan and monitoring and evaluation framework.

The South Kootenay Agricultural Strategy is posted on the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary website.


Fraser Fort George Regional Agriculture Strategy

Fraser-Fort George Regional Agricultural Strategy


Upland Agricultural consulting worked in collaboration with project lead, Urban Food Strategies to develop the Regional District's Fraser-Fort George Regional Agriculture Strategy. The Regional Agriculture Strategy is a non-statutory plan that identifies a shared vision, goals, and actions for supporting food and agriculture systems amongst producers, the public, local government, Indigenous governments and other key players within the region. The Strategy culminated in 5 goals, and 30 actions to support and grow the agriculture sector in the Fraser-Fort George region.

In addition to the Strategy, the project delivered a Foundations Report, which served as a comprehensive overview of the current agricultural sector in Fraser-Fort George including an agriculture profile, Indigenous food and farming history, biophysical and environmental context, emergency preparedness and available agricultural support services.

More information is available on the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George's project website.


Cariboo Regional Agricultural Area Plan

Cariboo Regional Agricultural Area Plan


The purpose of the Cariboo Agricultural Area Plan (AAP) was to produce a comprehensive agricultural planning document that focuses on the Cariboo Regional District’s jurisdiction and provides guidance in identifying opportunities to strengthen the regional agricultural sector and contribute to its long-term sustainability. The AAP recommends actions to address current and anticipated changes, challenges and opportunities specific to the role of the CRD.

Development of the plan resulted in the creation of 3 public facing documents: a comprehensive background report, an Engagement summary Report and the Final AAP. Four key steps in the planning process were undertaken, these steps included:

  1. A background report to provide an update on the current trends in the agricultural sector since the 2007 Strategy was completed;
  2. An analysis of current policies and regulations relating to the agriculture sector in the CRD;
  3. Engagement with agricultural producers and the public (including interviews, surveys and meetings with the Agricultural Development Advisory Committee (ADAC)) to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats affecting the agriculture sector and land base; and
  4. The creation of an implementation strategy to facilitate a community-based approach to strengthening agriculture, along with a monitoring and evaluation framework to track implementation progress.

To view a copy of the Cariboo Agricultural Area Plan visit the CRD's project information page.

Surrey Parks Agriculture Initiative

Surrey Parks Agriculture Initiative


Upland Agricultural Consulting developed a comprehensive plan for agriculture within the City of Surrey's parks. The Plan provides a set of recommendations for managing parks that overlap with the Agricultural Land Reserve as well as broader recommendations for agricultural planning and the integration of ecosystem services. This report also examines the role that farming activities play within parks with regards to the agricultural economy, in creating educational and recreational opportunities, and connecting the dots between natural areas, ecosystems services and tangible benefits to agricultural productivity, soil health and water conservation.

A total of 18 parks were analyzed for their agricultural and food production potential as well as opportunities for enhancing ecosystem services and integrating beneficial management practices from the approach of regenerative agriculture. The project included:

  • A focused background and literature review
  • Site-specific analyses, including mapping and site visits
  • Engagement with farmers, provincial and regional government staff and City of Surrey staff
  • Outreach to the Kwantlen First Nation, Katzie First Nation and Semiahmoo First Nation occurred at the beginning of the project to inform the Nations of the project’s objectives and invite them to become involved.

For more information visit the City of Surrey's project website.