YVR Compost Quality Assessment

Compost Quality Assessment - Vancouver Airport Authority (YVR)


Upland Agricultural Consulting was contracted by the Vancouver Airport Authority to interpret compost sample laboratory analysis results. The samples were obtained from the Airport's Oklin GG-2001 composter, which was installed on a trial basis at the food court in 2016. The composter treats food waste and food-soiled paper waste generated by restaurants and patrons at the food court. The final report included recommendations and guidance towards how best to use the finished compost material.        

Agricultural Water Use on the Sunshine Coast

Agricultural Water Use on the Sunshine Coast


In this project, we met with producers and gathered data to understand how agricultural properties use water within the Chapman Creek water system on the Sunshine Coast of BC. This information was required in order to satisfy two important goals of the Sunshine Coast Agricultural Area Plan: increasing water conservation efforts and increasing local food production. This project also partly addressed action 2.1b ("Conduct a study of current & future water demand & supply for farming in the region") as outlined in the Sunshine Coast Agricultural Area Plan. The results from this work will help the SCRD plan for future water needs and improve conservation, education and outreach programs.

Link to Agricultural Water Use on the Sunshine Coast report (PDF) .

Guidebook for Agricultural Flood Preparedness and Mitigation Planning in Delta

Guidebook for Agricultural Flood Preparedness and Mitigation Planning in Delta


Upland Agricultural Consulting worked alongside the Sustainability Solutions Group to develop guidebook for the Delta Farmers Institute and the BC Agriculture and Food Climate Action Initiative. The guidebook is intended to help Delta farmers reduce the impacts of floods on their farms through changes to drainage, diking, soils, livestock handling, and crop production. The guidebook uses a step‐by‐step process to help:

a) Increase understanding of flood hazards and mitigation strategies;

b) Create farm level flood preparedness plans and adaptation strategies for each participating farmer; and,

c) Identify key barriers to implementing flood preparedness actions at the farm level.

The guidebook provides a seven step process that identifies farm characteristics, explores previous flooding events, imagines future flooding events and the potential impacts of those events, prioritises strategies to reduce impacts and identifies ways to implement flood preparedness strategies.

Link to the Corporation of Delta's Agricultural Adaptation project page  

Cowichan Agriculture Extreme Weather Event Preparedness & Mitigation Pilot Project

Cowichan Agriculture Extreme Weather Event Preparedness & Mitigation Pilot Project


This report details the work of one of four projects in the CVRD’s Regional Adaptation Strategies planning process. The process coordinates producers, producer organizations, provincial government and local specialists and local governments to develop climate change adaptation strategies for agriculture.  This report reviews the anticipated risks and vulnerabilities of agricultural operations in the Cowichan Valley Regional District area to extreme weather events caused or influenced by climate change, such as droughts (or extended dry conditions), forest fires, storms and floods. The report outlines strategies and actions agricultural producers and key partners can take to prepare for extreme weather events.

Link to the Cowichan Agriculture Extreme Weather Event Preparedness & Mitigation Pilot Project report (PDF)  

Powell River Regional District – Organic Processing Facility Feasibility Analysis

Powell River Regional District: Organic Processing Facility Feasibility Analysis (2012)


In this project, we evaluated options for the management of organic materials produced in the Powell River region. Our project team studied the financial and operational evaluation of two different options for the future management of organics and compared them to the existing waste management system. The two scenarios evaluated were:
1) The Regional District implements a Source Separated Organics Program (SSO) to divert approximately 35% - 45% of the existing MSW waste stream (participation rates will increase over time) to an existing local (and suitably licensed) organic composting facility.
2) The Regional District build and operate (or sub-contract the operation of) their own facility. For the purposes of this report a publicly funded design, build, own and operate facility has been assumed.

Link to the Powell River Regional District Organic Processing Feasibility Analysis report (PDF)  

Greenhouse Growers Offset Protocol

Greenhouse Growers Offset Protocol


This protocol was developed in collaboration with the BC Ministry of the Environment and was intended to be used for Programs of Activities (PoAs) where GHG emissions from a number of different project areas and associated eligible reduction activities are quantified and reported together as a single programmatic offset project. Upland Agricultural Consulting worked alongside Delphi Group to deliver this report.

Link to Greenhouse Growers Offset Protocol final draft report (PDF)