CRD Foodlands Trust Feasibility Study

CRD Foodlands Trust Feasibility Study


The goal of this feasibility study is to provide the Capital Regional District (CRD) Planning and Protective Services Committee and CRD Board with a comparative analysis of agricultural land use access models to support a decision on whether the CRD should expand its role in assisting access to land for food production, and if so, how that could best be accomplished. The study was initiated because the Capital Regional District (CRD) has identified the need to assess options for increasing food production by enhancing access to farmland as a community asset for the public good. The Report explores the rationale, business case scenarios and financial summaries for options that would allow local government to increase access to food and farm lands.

Link to CRD Agriculture and Food project webpage

Link to CRD Foodlands Trust Executive Summary (PDF)

Link to CRD Foodlands Trust Feasibility Study full report and appendices (PDF)

Maple Ridge Food Hub Implementation Plan

Maple Ridge Food Hub Implementation Plan


The Maple Ridge Food Hub Implementation Plan (the ‘Plan’) provides recommendations regarding a five year pilot program for hub operations and presents an associated set of financial projections. The Plan supports the Maple Ridge Agricultural Plan by exploring the feasibility of a shared agricultural infrastructure strategy. The Plan builds upon the Maple Ridge Food Hub Situational Analysis and Market Identification Report to include a robust and scalable strategy for the food hub framework. The primary goal of the Plan is to assist local farmers in saving time and money by selling their products collectively. Resources, including staff and equipment, would be shared to minimize overhead and operational costs.

Link to Maple Ridge Food Hub Implementation Plan report (PDF)  

Lillooet Agriculture Market Access and Growth Strategy

Lillooet Agriculture Market Access and Growth Strategy


This market access and growth strategy report was developed to identify opportunities for Lillooet’s local food and farming businesses in order for them to thrive and contribute to a resilient local economy. The findings were informed by literature and data reviews, one-on-one interviews with key stakeholders, and feedback from the Lillooet Agriculture and Food Society (LAFS) Board of Directors.

Link to Lillooet Agriculture Market Access and Growth Strategy report (PDF)

Farm Tax Class Income Threshold Investigation

Farm Tax Class Income Threshold Investigation


Metro Vancouver requested the services of Upland Agricultural Consulting to investigate whether or not the qualifications for BC Assessment’s Farm class status (class 9), namely income thresholds, warrant some adjustment to ensure that farmers and the public interest are benefiting from the policy and to maintain the long term viability of agriculture. The final report included several recommendations as to how to equitably increase the farm tax threshold while maintaining benefits for farmers and encouraging farming on lands that are currently under-utilized.

Link to Farm Tax Class Income Threshold Investigation report (PDF)

Powell River Regional District – Organic Processing Facility Feasibility Analysis

Powell River Regional District: Organic Processing Facility Feasibility Analysis (2012)


In this project, we evaluated options for the management of organic materials produced in the Powell River region. Our project team studied the financial and operational evaluation of two different options for the future management of organics and compared them to the existing waste management system. The two scenarios evaluated were:
1) The Regional District implements a Source Separated Organics Program (SSO) to divert approximately 35% - 45% of the existing MSW waste stream (participation rates will increase over time) to an existing local (and suitably licensed) organic composting facility.
2) The Regional District build and operate (or sub-contract the operation of) their own facility. For the purposes of this report a publicly funded design, build, own and operate facility has been assumed.

Link to the Powell River Regional District Organic Processing Feasibility Analysis report (PDF)  

Tsain-Ko (Sechelt Indian Band) Agricultural Opportunities Assessment

Tsain-Ko (Sechelt Indian Band) Agricultural Opportunities Assessment


Tsain-Ko requested the services of Upland Agricultural Consulting to provide a biophysical review of land within its territory to determine which parcels could be viable for food production. The study was narrowed to 4 parcels and crop plans and associated business plans were developed for each site.